Hereby revoke all former wills, codicils and testamentary dispositions made by me and declare to be my last will and Testament. 在此特撤销本人以前订立之所有遗嘱,遗嘱修订附件及按遗嘱进行的产权处置,并宣布本遗嘱为人最终之遗嘱。
But after his own death, in France, his body was transferred there, as if people treated his poem as a last will and testament. 但是在他本人于法国过世后,他的遗体也被转送到了这里,就好像人们将他的这首诗作视为了他的遗愿,他的遗嘱。
As my last will and testament, I leave you three in the care of captain sham. 我托夏姆船长照料你们三人,这便是我的遗嘱。
Richard Hillary's book The Last Enemy was a kind of Last Will and Testament for the British who fought in the Second World War ― for those, at any rate, who thought about it at all deeply. 理查德・希拉里的《最后之敌人》这本书是为参加第二次世界大战的英国人所写的一种遗嘱―为那些时常深情回忆起二次大战的人们所写的一种遗嘱。
I Mary Elizabeth Carson, being of sound mind and sound body, do hereby declare that this is my last will and testament. 本人玛丽·卡森,身体健康,思想健全,在此郑重声明,此乃本人最后的遗嘱。
The first consideration was how to get the fuehrer's last will and testament out through the nearby Russian lines so that it could be delivered to Doenitz and others and preserved for posterity. 头一件事是如何越过附近的俄国防线将元首的遗嘱带给邓尼茨等人,以便为后代永远保存下来。
Her last will and testament, or rather her mortis causa settlement 她最后的遗嘱和遗言,不如说她临终时所作的安排
《 The last will and testament of a dog 》. 《一只狗的遗嘱》。偶然,找到了它。
Her solicitor drew up her last will and testament. 她的律师拟就了她的遗嘱。